Keep an eye on this page for updated information about Walk-In Thursdays at the Illumination Center in Mansfield MA, Vendor Fairs, Workshops, Classes, Collaborations, and Soul Vision Healing Events & Retreats.
This event will fill up fast!
Mandala Workshop
Limit of 20 Participants
In this group class you will learn about what Mandalas are, where they come from, and what they are used for. We will discuss the meanings of Sacred Geometry, symbols and colors, traditional mandala designs, and how they are all applied in mandala making. You will learn to use your channeling abilities as you tap into various energies when hand drawing and creating these mandalas. This is a hands-on class where you will use various tools on paper to start creating your own mandala before you leave.
The following will be supplied for you to use during this workshop (or you may bring your own): Mandala template papers, shape templates, compass, rulers, colored pencils, pens, markers, clipboard.
Included with course price (participants to take home):
Create-Your-Own Mandala Workbook ($15 value)
4 pieces of 3.5” blank cards in 3 different shapes: Circle, Hexagon, Square ($2.00 value)
Free take-home handouts that go with course material:
Arch shapes tracing template
4x4 circle template
8x8 circle template
Grid paper
Traceable 8x8 mandala template
Decorate 8x8 mandala template
Add Ons You Can Purchase:
Extra Create-Your-Own Mandala Workbook ($15)
3.5” blank cards in 3 different shapes: Circle, Hexagon, Square ($ .50 each)
Sanctuary Fitness 365 - Hull, MA
Bella Harmony Studio - Lakeville, MA

July 14th, 2024 ~ 10am to 5pm
Soul Vision Experience
During this 7 hour energy experience, you will get to meet people from your soul tribe, and get a taste of Transmentation, and the energies and that Soul Vision will bring into your life to help you return to you Zero Point state of being.

October 25-27, 2024
Soul Vision Weekend
Retreat at Rolling Ridge
Join Soul Vision for our next Retreat!
​​We are Soul Vision, six souls who have reunited in this lifetime to continue to assist our soul family (this means you) ascend to your divine SELF.
Our goal is to bring your awareness to your Zero Point Energy Field through the process of Transmentation to help you align with your soul’s purpose and usher in your best possible life making your dreams a reality!!
If you’d like to make significant shifts and embark on a powerful spiritual journey, then please join us for this transformational event!
Some of the modalities that will be offered this weekend include:
Mindfull Outdoor Walk Experience
Ecstatic Dance
Holy Fire World Peace Reiki
Mahatma Energy
Zodiac Energy
Chrysalis Energy
Sound Bath
Chakra Permutations
Light Language
Akashic Records Readings
Bio-Mat Energy Sessions
and our Signature Soul Vision Energy Event
Date/Time: October 25-27, 2024
Location: Rolling Ridge, 660 Great Pond Rd, North Andover, MA 01845
Cost: $1111
Visit the Soul Vision website for more information and to book your stay
at the Retreat.
Thursdays from 10-4
Stop by and see me, Jill McLoughlin, and Andrea Kukulka on Thursdays ... you never know who else might be there! You might even catch one of these awesome practitioners too ... Tena Rodriguez, Christine McDonough, and Melanie Sprague.
Some of the offerings are: Reiki, Illumination, Quantum Soul Healing (Jill), Soul Code Alchemy (Mel), Open Soul Healing (Andrea), Akashic Records readings (Karen), Reflexology (Mel and Tina), Past Life Regressions (Andrea), Inner Child Work, Mediumship, etc.
Feel free to come by and browse the product selection, or hang out and chat while enjoying a cup of tea, or experience the Mandalas that are displayed. Each month, Andrea features a new artist showcase.
It's a good idea to check in a day or two before, to see who is there.
116 N Main St, Mansfield, MA 02048.

Comprehensive In-Person Class
Akashic Records Class
During this comprehensive in-person Akashic Records Course, we will start with the basics and learn about the Akashic Records, timelines / lifetimes / incarnations, energetics that affect the physical and spiritual bodies, and so much more! We will focus on learning how to access our own Akashic Record timelines and how to integrate the information that we find there. We will also learn how to access and read the Akashic Records for others. There will be guided meditative journeys, energetic balancing, journaling, and plenty of time to practice getting into our own Records as well as practice reading for others. Learn more.
Coming Soon!
Illumination Center, 116 N. Main Street, Mansfield, MA 02408